For My Visitors

These ceramics are part of my kitchen decor. In an attempt to make this site more interesting, I have wanted to improve on photo shots. Currently I am working with a Samsung Digital camera. I am not a professional photographer. The goal is to take what creative abilities I have with food and writing and add to that good looking photographs.
I want to entice you to keep coming back - whether it is to find a recipe, obtain an answer to a question you have or read one of my articles. As the author I want to connect with you in a more personal way. What better way to show that than to let you see precious pieces in my home, share a heritage of family recipes and recipes I have personally created and stories of my life with food.
So please, if you enjoy this food site, hit the plus one button - the more hits I get the further up the ladder I go for search engines to find me. If you sign in for a Google account you can become one of my followers and it will allow you to leave comments. Also, should you spot an ad that interests you and you click on it, it will take you to another site. I joined FoodieBlogRoll in an effort to get my sites name out there - to begin connecting with other food sites.
I want to be as informative as I can be on this site and sometimes it requires researching and leads to another very good website. So if I can't answer a question, I certainly can obtain an answer from another source.
I am looking forward to sharing my original recipes, menu ideas and articles with you in the days to come. And lastly I hope that this web site inspires you to make food memories that will last a life time.


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