Style of Cooking

While at a July 4th picnic I met some very nice folks and we began to chat about our lives. When I mentioned that I was a food blogger one of the questions I was asked was, "What's your main style of cooking and what type of cuisine do you specialize in?"
For the sake of this blog, Cooking On A Budget has been the main theme of the blog. I originally set out to help families who often struggle with putting dinners on the table. In this sense I come up with meals that often can be prepared for under $3.00 per person. A lot of the recipes that I have posted came from dishes that I remembered eating throughout my childhood, young adulthood and recipes that are solely mine. The rest may come from a combination of viewing other recipes and putting my own spin on them.
For me I don't want to be locked into one style of cooking. I'm not adverse to trying cuisines from all over the world; be it Italy, France, Germany, China, Japan, Brazil, etcetera. As long as the dish is one you can cook on a budget then I am game.
Although sometimes I stray over the budget because I think we all need a treat now and then. If you are working on an extremely tight budget your mindset may be that you can't afford some dishes; that if you purchase fresh versus canned or boxed versus home made that you will go way overboard. Not always the case and I've proven it time and time again.
One of my most recent posts Chicken Scallopini with Beurre Blanc is a prime example as the cost with the chicken, sauce, spaghetti and cauliflower came to $2.12 per serving. Another great one is Sausage and Porcini Parmigiano that feeds 6 people for $1.56 per portion. The Pork Cutlet Stroganoff which feeds 6 people at a cost of $2.46 per person. These are just a few of my more recent posts that show you that you can cook great food on a budget.
Starting with a well stock pantry that includes a variety of dried spices you use often helps. Purchasing butter on sale and freezing some works to save money down the road. And above all if you have an area to plant a garden, do it. You'll save tons of money through the summer, have food you can can or freeze for using throughout the colder months and always have some fresh herbs in the garden as well. If you don't have land, use containers for herbs and tomatoes. Check all the wonderful web sites that specialize in gardens and container gardening.
If you have a well balanced pantry and keep certain items on hand in your refrigerator your cooking possibilities are endless. Come here for some nifty make over meals recipes as well. I think you can master your budget with planning out meals ahead. What you purchase one week may be more, but often you save on the next week's trip out to the store.
What's my style of cooking? I just love food and love to cook is all. So if this is your first visit take some time and check out all the wonderful offerings that I've brought to this blog and that you can bring to your table.


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