Cucumbers and Their Benefits

A Pickle A Day
Keeps The Doctor Away

Who ever came up with that statement knew what they were talking about - seriously. In doing the research I was totally amazed at the health benefits of the cucumber. The cucumber is the world's 4th largest cultivated vegetable and are incredibly easy to grow - just ask my husband. Every year he plants cucumbers and the bounty is ridiculous. He grows them for us to have a nice crisp cucumber in our salad or as a side dish tossed with a touch of spices, vinegar and oil and of course for his homemade "Bread and Butter" pickles.
The fact is cucumbers are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need. Vitamin C which is found in the skin of the cucumber along with vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D. Not to mention folate, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Since the cucumber is 95% water it acts like a mild diuretic and helps to cleanse the toxins in our bodies while rehydrating. They also help in regulating uric acid and mixed with carrot juice can relieve the pain from arthritis and gout. Another thing in relation to that is that they aide in the prevention of kidney or gal bladder stones.
The almighty cucumber has all the right stuff and with the combinations of vitamins and nutrients has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and aids in weight loss and helps the digestive system. The cucumber has also been shown that it plays a potential role in strengthening bones and helps to fight certain cancers.
And for you ladies, they contain a high silica content for silky hair.

Okay now you can run to the store and pick up a few cucumbers and eat yourself to good health. While you're at it, make some of my Parmesan Peppercorn Salad Dressing to go along with the cucs.


  1. We are all cucmber fans here. We have them growing in our garden. Who knew they were so good for us? Your Parmesan Peppercorn Salad Dressing would be the perfect partner.


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