Chocolate Ice Cream
Ice cream, you scream, we all scream know the drift. Ah, rich and creamy home made chocolate ice cream. Life is good.
When my husband and I were engaged despite it being our second marriage, family and friends gave us a beautiful wedding shower. Each person was given a season (Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall) and they had to pick a gift appropriate to the season. One of our dear friends got Winter and decided to give us an ice cream maker. What a great gift that was!
I have to admit we let that gift sit dormant in our basement for too many years before the day I got an itch to make home made chocolate ice cream. By this time my husband's true chocoholic traits had surfaced and it was difficult buying gallons of ice cream to make him happy. I had hoped I could make a better ice cream and for less money.
Much to my dismay it didn't cost less, it cost about the same as a gallon of a favorite supermarket brand. The difference was astonishing! This is so smooth and creamy and full of rich chocolate taste.
My suggestion is, pull that ice cream maker out and make some rich, creamy home made ice cream. This would also make a lovely gift for someone for the holidays. Go on line to find out where you can purchase ice cream containers or pick up something in plastic that would work. Print a nice gift label and there you go!
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 3 cups half and half
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 8 large egg yolks
- 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar + 1 tbsp.
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- In a medium sauce pot over medium heat, add 1 cup of half and half and the cocoa. Whisk to combine.
- Next add the last 2 cups of half and half and the 1 cup of heavy cream. Whisk occasionally. Bring up to a simmer and remove from the heat.
- In a medium bowl whisk (I used my electric mixer on low setting) the eggs yolks until they begin to lighten.
- Slowly add in the sugar to combine well.
- Pour some of the cream mixture in a little at a time to temper. Pour only about 1/3 of the cream mixture in total.
- Add the egg, sugar and tempered cream mixture back into the pan.
- Cook on low heat until you reach a temperature of 170Ā°.
- Then take that mixture and put in a bowl and let it set at room temperature for 30 minutes to cool down.
- After the 30 minutes add in the 2 tsp. of vanilla and mix well.
- Store the mixture in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 hours covered or until the temperature reaches 40Ā° or below.
- When the mixture is ready, pour into your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's directions. It will take about 35 minutes.
- For soft serve, serve as is or freeze in containers for another 3 to 4 hours until hardened.
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