Kid-Friendly Stuffing Muffins

A short time ago I made this easy little stuffing mix to go in my Easy Chicken Roulades. As I told you my husband has detested stuffing his entire life but he loved this recipe. He explained that any stuffing he'd ever had especially at Thanksgiving was way too savory; it was chocked full of savory pork, onions, celery and spices and that he claims is the reason for not liking stuffing up until this recipe.

This stuffing is not only easy to prepare it isn't heavy loaded with spices and vegetables or meat. It has a mild savory flavor and a light apple taste derived from the apple sauce. I think kids will love these little gems.
  • 1 box Stove Top Sage Stuffing Mix
  • 1 cup apple sauce
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  1. Simply combine all of the above ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Mix well with your hands.
  2. Scoop into muffin tins that have been sprayed with cooking spray or in paper liners.
  3. Bake in a preheated 350Ā° oven for about 20 minutes until warmed through and the tops are lightly browned.

The yield is about 8-10 servings depending on how much you fill each one. The kids will love these. They are lighter, more to a young one's palette and totally yummy.

What ever you do, please don't forget about the Cookie GiveAway. Eight bloggers contributing one dozen cookies and when the winner is announced you'll receive eight dozen delicious home made cookies. No nuts and we'll provide you with our recipes just in case an ingredient doesn't agree with some one.



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