Home Style Dorito Chips

With the price of a bag of DoritosĀ® at $4.99 and teenage sons who can devour a whole bag in one sitting, maybe it's time to look at making some home made chips yourself. For just a small batch make the recipe as is, for a larger batch double the ingredients.
  • 6 taco sized tortillas
  • oil for frying
  • 3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tbsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. granulated garlic
  • 1/2 tsp. black pepper
  1. Blend all the spices and the Parmesan cheese together in a bowl.
  2. Cut your tortillas as you would a pizza, making triangles.
  3. Fry in small batches, turning over as they brown slightly. Only takes about a minute or so to fry them.
  4. When they come out of the fry basket, drain off the excess oil and place the fried chips in a paper bag and toss in the spice and shake well to coat.
You have a home made snack that doesn't break the bank. These are great for a party, picnic or perhaps a snack for poker night. The cost is for the oil, the tortillas, spices and Parmesan. This recipe cost just shy of $4.00 for this batch. And it was fun to do.
A little healthier way is to lightly oil both sides of the chip, sprinkle with the seasoning and bake in the oven (I would use a regular olive oil).


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